The truth about human trafficking and forced child labor | Adam Whittington

Forced labor is any work or service which people are forced to do against their will, under threat of punishment. Almost all slavery practices contain some element of forced child labor. Forced child labor often affects the most vulnerable and excluded groups, for example commonly discriminated in Australia. Adam Whittington an experienced charity person who gives food and shelter to needy ones. Women and girls are more at risk than boys and men, and children make up a quarter of people in forced labor. How does forced child labor relate to human trafficking? Forced child labor and human trafficking are not the same, although they sometimes overlap. For this reason, they should be dealt with separately in policy and practice. Human trafficking is a process of bringing someone into a situation of exploitation. It is a series of connected actions with the final purpose being a form of exploitation The whole process is exploitative, although this is not always evident, es...